classic Russian novels and famous poems for schoolchildren

Книги для школьников

Количество книг в данном разделе: 1190
Классика для школьников
Рассказы и повести для школьников
    Количество книг в данном разделе: 1190
    Мифы мира-Пушная М.-Речь-Lookomorie
    Мифы мира-Пушная М.-Речь-Lookomorie
    Мифы мира
    Пушная М.
    Про кота-Черный С.-Речь-Lookomorie
    Про кота-Черный С.-Речь-Lookomorie
    Про кота
    Черный С.
    New Arrival
    Э. Броуч Шедевр-Броуч Э.-Розовый жираф-Lookomorie
    Э. Броуч Шедевр-Броуч Э.-Розовый жираф-Lookomorie
    Э. Броуч Шедевр
    Броуч Э.

    Reading has a variety of benefits for elementary school students, such as expanding vocabulary and language skills, developing critical thinking abilities, and enhancing imagination and creativity. As parents ourselves, we know how difficult it can be to find the Russian books we grew up reading and share them with our children here in the US. We’ve done our best to assemble the novels and classics of Russian literature that we read in our school years into one single collection so that you can easily find what you’re looking for.

    This collection includes four main genres: classic Russian literature, short stories and novels, famous Russian poems, and comics. On this page, you’ll find a mix of all four: classic Russian novels and short stories written by authors like Leo Tolstoy and Nikolai Gogol, famous Russian poems by Alexander Pushkin (and other prominent poets), and even comics (like Tin Tin!). All books are written in the Russian language and are best suited for schoolchildren aged 6-12+.

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